Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Claire King ~The Night Rainbow~

Read: On Kindle
Paid: 99p
Reason I choose it: I was attracted to the cover but also the book sounded interesting.
It is summer in the south of France, and Pea and her little sister Margot spend their days running free, inventing games in the meadow behind their house. But Pea has worries beyond her five and a half years. Her father has died in an accident, and her mother has just lost a baby. Maman is English, already isolated in this small, foreign village, and in her compounded grief, she has retreated even further. Pea and Margot stay out of her way and try to make things better, but they can't make Maman happy again. When Pea befriends Claude, a man who seems to love the meadow as she does, she wonders if he could be a new papa. But why do the other villagers view Claude with suspicion, and what secrets does his large empty house hold? 
(The Blurb)
My Opinion
Working with children I do know that they can act and know things like Pea did and in her situation I can believe it possible with being an only child to two people that adored her and spent time with her. The only thing though is that I would have preferred Pea to be a couple of years older due to the heaviness of the topics she was experiencing. Margot sounded far too old for a 4 and a half year old though even though their is a little secret concerning her.
I probably would have enjoyed the book more if it wasn't for the mum. I know she's lost her husband, had a still born baby (possibly), living in a foreign land with no friends and finding herself pregnant again... I started to get fed up of the amount of time she just spent in bed... which was nearly the whole book leaving Pea to spend all her time out of the house roaming the fields wondering how to make her mum happy and starving half the time. I also started to find towards the end that the book dragged a little.
I would also say that this is a book aimed at teens but adults may enjoy it too.
 photo strawberry3star.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I always pick books by their covers :)

    This looks so cute!!!!!



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